Monday 28 May 2012

Men in Black: The Game

Just like the Men in Black movies, gamers can play as an MIB agent tasked with saving the world from an alien takeover. Available for all three major console platforms, you slip into the suit and shades of agent Peter Delacoeur -- an ex-thief who trades his art-stealing skills for alien shooting. The third-person arcade shooter has you engage in firefights with aliens, upgrade your weapons (including MIB’s famous Noisy Cricket and Plasma Handgun), and secretly interrogate suspects. Gamers also have access to Men In Black gear and the tricked-out MIB car from the feature films to chase down alien suspects. MEN IN BLACK: ALIEN CRISIS offers multiplayer options on the same television.

Men in Black: Alien Crisis, intense firefights, good voice acting, and a fun story that doesn't try to recreate the new MIB movie. Along with the single-player campaign there's also two-player split screen multiplayer and a four-player "hot-seat" mode for those who want to challenge siblings or friends to various sharpshooter challenges and competitions (such as the V.R. Challenges mode).


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Thursday 24 May 2012

Xbox 360 should be banned in US, says judge

The ongoing legal dispute between Motorola Mobility and Microsoft could see some versions of the Xbox 360 banned in the United States. International Trade Commission judge David Shaw has recommended that the trade group ban the import of 4GB and 250GB Xbox 360 S consoles, reports Courthouse News. These consoles are manufactured in China.
Shaw wants Xbox 360s banned from import to the United States.
Sales of consoles already in the United States should be banned by a cease-and-desist order, Shaw says. On top of this, the judge recommends Microsoft pay Motorola 7 percent of the value of any unsold consoles in the US.
Microsoft argues that Shaw's order to ban the import of Xbox 360 consoles would hurt consumers, as it would leave interested buyers with only two options: the PlayStation 3 or the Nintendo Wii. Shaw rejected this assertion, noting the public interest in enforcing intellectual property rights trumps any "economical impact" on console buyers.
Should ITC commissioners agree with Shaw's recommendation, President Barack Obama and advisors will have 60 days to review the decision, the site reports. After this time, whatever is decided can be appealed.

Diablo III sells 3.5 million in 24 hours

Diablo III may have been long in the making, but it was quick to record success upon release last week. Blizzard Entertainment today announced that the hotly hyped dungeon crawler sold 3.5 million copies in its first 24 hours, with more than 6.3 million copies landing in gamers' hands during its first week. Sales of this magnitude make the title the "fastest-selling PC game" in history, according to Blizzard's figures.
Gamers marched to hell in droves.
Diablo III's first-day sales do not include the 1.2 million players who received Diablo III as part of the World of Warcraft annual pass promotion. Additionally, the game's first-week tally does not factor in players in Korean Internet game rooms, Blizzard said

Grand Theft Auto V due by end of March 2013 - Analysts

Analysts suggest Take-Two's latest earnings report factors in release of new entry in flagship franchise from Rockstar Games.
Grand Theft Auto V will ship by the end of March 2013, multiple analysts are predicting based on Take-Two's latest financial report. Yesterday, the company announced it is planning to haul between $1.75 and $1.85 billion for the year ending March 31, 2013. This marked increase over last year's haul factors in, according to analysts, the release of GTAV.
Gamers are less than a year away from GTAV, according to analysts.
Wedbush Securities' Michael Pachter said Take-Two's guidance is "unattainable" without a new big title from Rockstar Games. The industry watcher predicts Rockstar will contribute $1.1 billion to Take-Two's bottom line in fiscal 2013, with $300 million of that coming from Max Payne 3 and its downloadable content. He said another $150 million will be made up by Rockstar catalog sales, which leaves a void of $650 million. Pachter suggests that figure will be made up by sales of GTAV.

Monday 21 May 2012


Throughout gaming lore there have been certain games that come in and out of development and dodge deadlines to the dismay of their loyal fans. Starcraft Ghost, Half-Life 3, the mythical Duke Nukem Forever; all these titles have taken their fans heartstrings and thrown them across the room throughout development. Among these titles lies Max Payne 3. When its predecessor ended back in 2003, fans were expecting a swift turnaround for the sequel. However, problems with developer Remedy and publisher Rockstar eventually lead the two teams to split and for Max Payne 3 to be continually delayed. Thankfully, the release date was not a joke thistime around. Max Payne 3 is out and it delivers on the famed action, while providing a dark story sure to satisfy fans of the series.


Sniping games seem to form their own sub-genre in the crowded first person market. From the disastrous Sniper:Ghost Warrior to the original Sniper Elite, it is a genre that does not seem to have too many supporters. Nonetheless, Rebellion Software has seen it fit to revive it’s cult classic series and bring it to the next generation. Once again, you take control of American OSS agent Karl Fairburne who has been sent deep into war torn Berlin in 1945 to single-handedly stop the German nuclear secrets from getting into Soviet hands. Predictably, the story has you track down the most evil fictional Nazi’s ever imagined, complete with scars and ugly snarls.


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Thursday 17 May 2012

Razer Tiamat 7.1 Review

From the moment you feast your eyes on the Tiamat, it's clear that Razer set out to create the Cadillac of video game headsets. Even the device's packaging showcases a level of attention and presentation that most alternatives never receive. But the Tiamat's appearance, despite being extremely attractive, isn't what you drop $180 for, that pleasure is reserved for the 10 individual drivers built within, making this a true 7.1 headset.
Before dabbling into the audio performance of Razer's pride and joy, understand that the Tiamat is more than just a surround sound theater wrapped around your head. The aesthetic design is consistent with Razer's signature color scheme, donning an all black paint job with subtle green accents and the company's logo, which lights up when powered up. The plastic is lightweight but made of quality material, and the outside of the cups use semi-transparent plastic that lets you take a peek at the magic happening inside by exposing the location and layout of the individual speakers.

The leather ear cups and headband are extremely comfortable and resulted in no gripes over long gaming sessions. Additionally, the over-ear design does a fantastic job of keeping sound in and out.

Read more --> here

EA and Activision Settle Call of Duty Dispute

It looks like one part of the ongoing Call of Duty legal drama is over. The dispute about whether Electronic Arts attempted to “derail” Activision’s Call of Duty franchise has been settled, according to a Bloomberg report. For now, specifics about the settlement are not available.
This stems from the explosion of suing and countersuing that followed the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, as ex-Infinity Ward heads Jason West and Vince Zampella were fired by Activision and went on to form Respawn Entertainment under EA to work on an unannounced project.

Tuesday 15 May 2012


Diablo III is developed as the definitive action role-playing game, and a true continuation of the Diablo series. Players will create a hero from one of five distinct classes, such as barbarian or witch doctor, each equipped with an array of spells and abilities. As these heroes adventure through rich and varied settings, unraveling an epic storyline and engaging in combat with hordes of monsters and challenging bosses, they’ll grow in experience and ability and acquire items of incredible power.

The game takes place on Sanctuary, a world of dark fantasy. Unbeknownst to most of its inhabitants, Sanctuary was saved some twenty years ago from the demonic forces of the underworld by a few brave and powerful heroes. Most of those warriors who directly faced Hell’s armies -- and were fortunate enough to survive -- went mad from their experiences. And most of the others have buried their haunted memories and pushed the horrors from their thoughts. In Diablo III, players will return to Sanctuary to confront evil in its many forms once again.

Diablo III will pick up the story twenty years after the events of Diablo II. Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal have been defeated, but the Worldstone, which once shielded the inhabitants of the world of Sanctuary from the forces of both the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, has been destroyed, and evil once again stirs in Tristram. Playing as a hero from one of five distinct character classes, players will acquire powerful items, spells, and abilities as they explore new and familiar areas of Sanctuary and battle hordes of demons to safeguard the world from the horrors that have arisen.
Features :
  • Five powerful character classes to choose from, including the barbarian and witch doctor
  • Brand-new 3D graphics engine enhanced with spectacular visual effects and Havok physics
  • Numerous indoor and outdoor areas detailing new regions in the world of Sanctuary
  • Interactive environments with dangerous traps and obstacles, and destructible elements
  • Randomly generated worlds bolstered by scripted events for endless and dynamic gameplay
  • Vast assortment of fiendish monsters, with unique attack patterns and behaviors
  • New quest system and character-customization options for the ultimate action RPG experience
  • Multiplayer functionality over with support for cooperative and competitive play

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Monday 14 May 2012

Review: FIFA12 – UEFA Euro 2012

EA have released specific boxed retail games to coincide with the big football tournaments and have, in various measures, been slated for it. With this year’s Euro 2012 DLC plugging into an existing retail copy of FIFA12, people have got a bit uptight about that as well. It seems EA can’t really win. Well, they can, but I’ll come to that later.


Euro 2012 hooks into the main menu of FIFA12, giving you an easy extra option from within the same game. As you’d expect from a piece of DLC it uses the in-game engine that all FIFA players have grown to know and as such plays every bit as beautifully as it did when we reviewed it a few months back. If you want to know about the visuals, the playability and all that stuff then head over to that review first and come back here when you’re done. The only thing that’s different in terms of general gameplay is the commentary, which is billed as having all new and exclusive bits of talky talk recorded especially for Euro 2012. That may well be the case, but there are quite a few occasions when it feels a lot quieter than a standard game of FIFA12, almost as if they didn’t quite record enough and had to space it out to make life a bit less obvious.

Friday 11 May 2012

New Details on Assassin's Creed III

Assassin's Creed III is the fifth in the Assassin's Creed series on current-generation consoles. Assassin's Creed III has been officially confirmed for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC, with a scheduled release date of October 30th, 2012 in North America and October 31st, 2012 in PAL regions. It has also been confirmed for Wii U, with a release date TBA. According to Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot, the team has been "working for three years" on the project.

Assassin's Creed 3 Is Set in The America Revolution

 Assassin's Creed III is set near Boston and New York between 1753-1783. You are introduced to Connor as a child and experience a traumatic event that shapes his future. Judging from the images, it's clear that much of the game is spent exploring the wilderness and navigating what Ubisoft calls the "Frontier", which is supposedly 1.5 times the size of Rome in Brotherhood.  In addition to the night and day cycle from previous games, there will be a full weather system impemented in ACIII.  This means that snow and rain among others will be apart of the game.  One thing that Ubisoft said was that snow will play a big part in the way Connor moves around.  If there is almost a foot of snow on the ground, then Connor's movement will be hindered as opposed to there not being any snow on the ground.  Likewise to when he is moving from tree to tree.

Assassin's Creed 3 Plot Summary

An assassin named Connor Kenway is in the middle of the American Revolutionary War, though that's not the war he's fighting. Connor is fighting his own battle, which will intersect with the events of the Revolutionary War, and will find Templars and Assassins in both the Colonial and British camps. Source: Gamespy: Huge Preview: Assassin's Creed 3  Also, instead of Connor focusing on fighting against the Templars, it is said that some supporting characters will in fact be Templar, and you will be workong with them through some parts of the game.  Ubisoft wants to explore a sort of gray area in between the Assassin Order and the Templar Order more than ever before.
Meanwhile, Desmond and the remnants of the Assassin Order finally bring the fight to Abstergo to stop the launch of a satellite that will initiate doomsday.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Preorder Diablo III at SKOOBS


Diablo III is the next installment in the extremely popular action RPG (hack and slash) series from Blizzard. The game retains a feel similar to that of previous Diablo parts, including the isometric view. Diablo 3 uses a custom 3D engine with Havok physics, allowing spectacular destruction of game environments. Similarly to Diablo II, there are both static and randomly generated levels and enemy encounters.

The game takes place twenty years after the events of Diablo II. Heroes that survived the onslaught of the armies of the Burning Hells have gone mad from their ordeals, and now a new generation of warriors have to face the forces of evil threatening the world of Sanctuary

Diablo 3 release date is May 15, 2012!

Diablo III: Standard Edition

Diablo III is a definitive action role-playing game and a true sequel to the Diablo series. Create a hero from one of five distinct classes such as barbarian, wizard or witch doctor, each possessing an impressive array of deadly spells and abilities. Adventure through the vast and rich world, unraveling a captivating storyline and engaging in combat with hordes of monsters and challenging bosses. Grow stronger, acquire items of legendary power and challenge your friends to epic multiplayer battles! Preorder Diablo 3 now at SKOOBS and be one of the first to play this epic RPG.

TEL: (011) 513-2800

Social Networks:

Facebook: Skoobs, Theatre of Books
Twitter: @SkoobsTOB


Tuesday 8 May 2012

Get snap happy with the Nintendo 3DS camera to become an award winning photographer

Get snap happy with the Nintendo 3DS camera to become an award winning photographer

The launch of the countrywide 3D photography competition which will see you put your creative camera skills to the test to become the South African Nintendo 3DS Photography Champion. Recent research from Nintendo found that 60% of Nintendo 3DS owners take more than 100 photos a year* and 13% take over a 1,000 which equates to three  per day*, so say cheese and get capturing using the built-in cameras on the Nintendo 3DS system today!
Competition entries are split into six dedicated categories and no matter what you love to shoot, there is a theme to suit you. The categories include Animals, People, Places, Objects, Nature and Augmented Reality, which fully utilises the Augmented Reality feature of the Nintendo 3DS system. The photo entries will be judged by Core Gaming Systems, with the most promising photographers winning:

1st prize - Mario Nintendo 3DS pouch and exclusive Mario Pin
2nd prize - Nintendo 3DS game
3rd prize - Limited Edition Mario bag

Entering the competition couldn’t be simpler. Take a 3D photo in-line with one of the six themes using the built-in cameras on the Nintendo 3DS system. Once you have captured your masterpiece, upload it to the dedicated competition website from 8th May until the 17th June 2012. The dedicated competition website is accessible through the Nintendo 3DS browser on the Nintendo 3DS system or through an Internet browser on a computer, and will feature galleries of all the images that have been uploaded. Each photo uploaded to the website will have its own dedicated QR Code* and by reading these QR Codes on the Nintendo 3DS system, users will be able to view their favourite images in 3D.

The Nintendo 3DS features two outer facing and one inner facing camera, allowing you to take both 2D and 3D photos, and record up to 10 mins of 3D video footage. Photos taken using the Nintendo 3DS cameras can be customised by adding fun and creative filters and effects. You can even draw on your photos using the Nintendo 3DS stylus to give them that personal touch!

To be in with a chance of being crowned South Africa’s best 3D photographer by Core Gaming Systems' Nintendo team, check the competition site at for details on entry requirements and the full terms and conditions of entry. If you think you have what it takes to take an award-winning 3D photo then head out with your Nintendo 3DS today and get snapping!

Skoobs Theatre of Books

Concept Bookstore 

Skoobs Theatre of Books is a place where your imagination can run wild: a world of literary and entertainment delights.  The first of its kind in South Africa, this innovative state-of-the-art concept store covers 1 200 square metres of space on two levels in the heart of Montecasino and offers a huge range of books in every genre. 

The store also includes a fabulous coffee shop with unique coffee and tea offerings and an upmarket Champagne Bar on the upper level, complete with baby grand piano to provide refined entertainment while enjoying your glass of bubbly and choosing a good read, or selecting a game for the kids in the interactive gaming area.  Reached by way of an impressive glass lift or winding staircase, the gaming area is also on the upper-level, and it is here that children and adults alike can experience all the top-selling Xbox, Nintendo, and Sony Playstation games in an alternate reality gaming environment before making a purchase.

The wonderland of experiences continues for the younger generation with a custom-designed, animal-themed interactive kiddie’s book section and a breathtaking Skoobs fish tank, complete with specially designed water books to keep visitors mesmerised. The sensory journey of the store continues into the Zen garden in the mind, body and soul area; a putting green in the sports area; and a Tuscan courtyard.  
The PlayStation Vita® is a new handheld gaming console. This portable console from Sony has all the functionalities that will make it the best portable console ever. Gamers have been looking forward to the second analogue stick and Sony has fulfilled their wish with the Vita. Sony has invested everything to ensure the simplicity in terms of control and the PS Vita is especially made to give more precision and flexibility.
The controls consist of a pair of analogue sticks, conventional face buttons and D-pad, pair of shoulder buttons, volume controls and sleep/power button. The other features include a capacitive touch-screen, a touch panel at the rear, a microphone, two cameras, headphone port and slots for game card and memory card. The PlayStation Vita is much bigger, but at the same time it is thin and light and feels durable. The face buttons are small in size and are micro-switched.

Playstation Vita
Sony seems to have done the work precisely to place one of the most sophisticated and powerful console yet into your hands and there is no reason why you should not get PlayStation Vita®.
Coffee Republic

If you haven’t tried our new menu, we would like to suggest that you do. We have great toasted sandwiches and delicious cakes that you can snack on while you read your favourite novel or you could try our delish quiches and freshly baked muffins.

Let’s not forget about a delicious aromatic cup of coffee tailored to your taste. You have the choice to order one shot or two, of espresso, in your cup of coffee. Our friendly staff will make sure that you have the best brewed cup of coffee just for your enjoyment.

Come and Step inside South Africa’s only theatre of books.

TEL: (011) 513-2800

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Facebook: Skoobs, Theatre of Books
Twitter: @SkoobsTOB

Skoobs Theatre Books at Montecasino 

Monday 7 May 2012

3 Things the Next Xbox Must Have

by Adriaan Noordzij

1.) Digital Distribution at the Forefront of the Experience
Rumors of a purely digital, next-generation Xbox have been pretty standard for quite some time now, but the reasoning behind such an idea is extraordinarily sound. Although Microsoft certainly won’t want to find itself responsible for killing brick and mortar gaming stores, adopting the Steam digital distribution model could do wonders for gamers. When you give your userbase an easy, efficient, and convenient way to use your service (in this case, Xbox Live in the future) they will use it more. It’s essentially the same business strategy that companies like Valve and Apple employ: once they’ve got their hooks in you with a single product or service, you’ll find yourself wanting to purchase additional products that work well with that particular service. Microsoft needs to bring digital distribution to game consoles in a big way, and although Games on Demand was a step in the right direction, such a concept needs to be at the forefront of the entire experience.

With the constant shift towards cloud computing, this could be a serious selling point if purchased games were always available to the user. No more selling used games, no more concerns of piracy, the entire market would shift to a more profitable and convenient system that would benefit everyone. Of course, a disc-based (or, perhaps, flash-based) option would need to be standard as well, considering that no matter how great your idea may be, it is impossible to immediately convert the majority who have settled comfortably into their media consumption lifestyle. Once you’ve hooked in buyers with the assurance that they can still do things they used to, should they so choose, only then do you have the ability to introduce new and markedly improved alternatives to the former.

Games on Demand

The Xbox 360, as it stands, is a pretty solid media consumption device, thanks to the implementation of apps in the last few dashboard updates. While this makes the 360 appealing as an all-in-one device, it often fails to do any one thing exceptionally, due to how each app is designed and worked into the framework of the dashboard itself. Netflix, while good, feels detached from the main Xbox experience, which is a bit jarring. Better integration of each of these media apps into the core, basic functionality of the next Xbox will ensure that enjoying your favorite shows or movies will feel more organic, as the new system will hopefully be designed for such things from the ground up.

As mentioned earlier, Games on Demand was a good idea, but as we all know, its selection is pretty awful. With the new Xbox, I should be able to decide between going to the midnight launch of a title, and staying at home to begin the download process at 12:01 AM. Preordering titles through Microsoft’s Games Marketplace should become standard, as should larger hard drives to accommodate the increase in digital content. By building a digital alternative on console hardware, Microsoft could actively compete with the likes of Steam and other PC clients to entice more of the PC crowd to give console gaming a shot. Again, everyone wins.

2.) Complete and Improved Kinect Integration
While some might argue that the Kinect is a dead platform, the reality is that many developers just have no idea what to do with it. Given that the device was implemented into the Xbox 360 several years after its launch, Kinect could have been substantially better integrated into the entire framework of the interface. Apps utilizing Kinect features feel tacked on and forced, and the way that most triple-A titles implement its technology appear to be mere afterthoughts to the core experience.

Kinect Isn't Dead

This wouldn’t be such a big deal if the device hadn’t been so utterly and wildly successful, and Kinect has loads of unrealized potential. While the limitations of the hardware make it somewhat difficult to deliver innovative and truly extraordinary experiences, if Microsoft does a little forward-thinking with its next console, the Kinect could be almost essential to the ultimate Xbox experience, much like Xbox Live is almost a necessity to get the most out of your box.

Microsoft needs to take notes from the modding community that has already begun to do some pretty impressive stuff with the device on their own, and understand the possibilities of what Kinect can really hope to accomplish as a supplementary device. To ditch motion-based gaming at this point would likely be a misstep, and although many hardcore gamers feel otherwise, it’s only the developers that the industry has to blame. Kinect games, as with Wii titles, can be widely successful if developed correctly with the technology in mind every step of the way. If the next generation of Kinect games brings the level of immersion and entertainment that Dance Central does, then the sensor will enjoy a much more critical place in Xbox owners’ living rooms.

3.) Reliable, Sexy, and Future-Proofed Hardware
At this point, it’s likely that nearly every Xbox 360 gamer has experienced it: the Red Ring of Death. When Microsoft’s earlier models of the console weren’t RRODing, their disc trays were breaking, and when the disc trays weren’t breaking, the graphics cards were becoming unsoldered from the motherboard. The poor design of the launch box put an enormous dent in the Xbox’s reputation, and soiled Microsoft’s name for quite some time. In order to ensure that this kind of thing doesn’t happen again, the software giant is going to need to go into great detail about the precautionary measures and design decisions that were made to guarantee that the next Xbox was built to last.

Xbox 720 Concept

For a good example, examine Apple products. Even though some of the products from the house that Jobs built tend to look like minor upgrades, Apple sells them as revolutionary new experiences with elegantly produced promotional content. Take one look at the new iPad’s promo video, and you’ll be hard-pressed to believe that its predecessor is anything more than old news. Microsoft needs to adopt a similar approach to create a message that the Xbox 360 is basically a big piece of garbage now, and that whatever new technology they’ve concocted in the meantime is lightyears ahead of the 360′s now-outdated guts. Instill some faith into the gaming public to keep early adopter rates high, or (like most companies tend to do) end up blaming the economy for poor sales when in reality, the public image is the problem.

Lastly, the next Xbox needs to feature a design that will not only be future-proofed for trends on the horizon, but also sleek and sexy enough to retain entertainment room appeal for years to come. The Xbox 360 did an okay job of this, but failed to keep possibilities open for future tech, such as Blu-Ray and hard drive expansion, which frustrated a lot of gamers. Whether the new Xbox uses solid state drives for memory and flash storage rather than optical for games (which, in my opinion, would be totally awesome) isn’t so much important as is the ability to do so easily without too much hassle. If Microsoft, of all people, sees that there are technological trends that are up and coming, there should be tech built into the new Xbox that can accommodate that if need be.

So, what do you think? Does the next Xbox have potential to wow you with these features? Or is something missing from the equation?

Friday 4 May 2012

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 officially announced

One of the worst kept secrets in the videogame industry has finally been put to rest with Activision officially announcing that Call of Duty Black Ops 2 will be released on the 13th of November 2012.

Xbox 360 banned in Germany

 Gavin Mannion

So just a few weeks after a court in America ruled in Motorola’s favour in a case that could lead to the blocking of Xbox sales in America the same has now happened in that bastion of censorship and sausages, Germany.
Motorola Mobility has been granted an injunction by a German court against Microsoft prohibiting the distribution and sale of the Xbox 360 and Windows 7 after agreeing that Microsoft had infringed upon 2 H.264 codec patents.

Luckily for Microsoft a court in Seattle, America, had already ruled in Microsoft’s favour and placing a restraining order on Motorola after Microsoft claimed it was abusing its Frand commitments.
The Frand promise is a promise to licence innovation under fair and reasonable terms when said innovation is critical to widely-used technologies.

Or in other words, if the patent is used by pretty much everyone and is now common knowledge you can’t suddenly demand $4 Billion a year to use it.
So yes the sale and distribution of the Xbox 360 has now been banned in Germany but that ban is currently being withheld due to another ruling in a Seattle court, while at the same time a Washington board is being put together to investigate a possible ban in America for the same offence.

The Assassin’s Creed that almost was

 Darryn Bonthuys ( Lazygamer )

Believe it or not, but it’s been eight years already, since Assassin’s Creed was first pitched. And much like any experimental concept at the time, there was plenty of art to go with it. But the Assassin’s Creed of then, compared to the Assassin’s Creed of now, was a very different idea entirely, from the finished tech demo product.

Ubisoft has recently released a score of images showing the genesis of this franchise, which they stuck to fortunately, despite a disappointing debut, that blossomed into an incredible sequel, expansion games and other media.

From the pictures released, you can see that the main idea for the Assassin’s was already cemented, especially with first game protagonist Altair. The funny side however, is that the art team had no idea what they were tasked with producing, so they created images for what they believed was going to be a Prince of Persia spin-off title.


Wednesday 2 May 2012


The EA SPORTS UEFA EURO 2012™ expansion pack for EA SPORTS FIFA 12 recreates all the excitement of the official tournament with over 50 European national teams, all eight official stadiums, and all the pageantry and atmosphere of one of the largest and most-watched sporting events on the planet. Compete as your favourite country in an authentic online tournament mode against rival nations in the group stage, progress through the knockout rounds, and ultimately compete for the chance to be crowned the UEFA EURO 2012™ champion. The all-new Expedition Mode designed exclusively for UEFA EURO 2012™ enables fans to build and compete with a customized squad against other European nations strategizing their journey through Europe. Plus, you will be able to relive dramatic moments from the UEFA EURO 2012™ qualifying campaign with challenges based on real-life matches, and replay key moments from the UEFA EURO 2012™ tournament.


TEL: (011) 513-2800

Social Networks:

Facebook: Skoobs, Theatre of Books
Twitter: @SkoobsTOB 

Mortal Kombat now PlayStation Vita

Mortal Kombat comes to PlayStation Vita. A complete reboot of the franchise, this latest iteration combines all-new mature oriented fighter gameplay with a deep story mode, improved graphics and game technology and new game modes to create a Mortal Kombat play experience like none before it. Feature details include: a storyline that takes players back to the original tournament, exclusive PS Vita functionality, fatalities presented in graphic detail never imagined in earlier release, and all-new game modes. 

TEL: (011) 513-2800

Social Networks:

Facebook: Skoobs, Theatre of Books
Twitter: @SkoobsTOB 


Become the ultimate shape-shifting weapon in Prototype 2. Cut through the wastelands of post-viral New York Zero and build a genetic arsenal of all-new biological weapons and abilities on your quest to murder your maker and the devil himself, Alex Mercer. Witness building-size infected beasts ambush entire city streets.

Glide and parkour across the cityscape. Take on swarms of highly trained Blackwatch soldiers. Step into the role of Sgt. James Heller, and hunt, kill and become anybody who stands in your way to absorb memories and gain new abilities. Wield the unbelievable Tendril power that allows you to lift and tear apart cars and military vehicles, ensnare powerful infected beasts and shred groups of enemies to pieces. Track down your enemies by emitting sonar pulses from your body.
Choose from a wide variety of new Mutation perks, including better locomotion abilities, sharper claws and enhanced disguise abilities, to build and customize the ultimate Prototype. The virus has left the city in ruins, but it's not going to stop you from achieving your goal. Unleash the true power of infection raging within you and kill Alex Mercer.

TEL: (011) 513-2800

Social Networks:

Facebook: Skoobs, Theatre of Books
Twitter: @SkoobsTOB 

Trials Evolution

Trials Evolution" is on every front, the next dimension of the smash-hit, award-winning "Trials HD." Bust out of the warehouse into an outdoor world of night and day, curved driving lines, and spectacular scenery. Multiplayer comes alive in your living room or on Xbox LIVE. Build your own tracks with the in-game editor or download those of any other player from the new Track Central. Customize your bike and rider with awesome gear and unique parts, enjoy innovative skill games, try ghost racing, beat your friends' scores and more! Don't miss the madness!